Экспериментальная генетика и физиология / Введение / Литература
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Artimo A. 1965. Variations in small mammal populations in dry and damp heath forests of southtrn Home (S. Finland) // Aquilo. Zool. T. 2. P. 1-16.

Ashby K. R. 1967. Studies on the ecology of field mice (Apodemus sylvaticus L.) and voles (Clethrionomys giareoius and Microtus agrestis) in Houghall Wood, Durham. // J. Zool. Lond. V. 152. N 4. P. 389-513.

Auial< W. 1967. Estimation of small mammal density in three forest biotopes // Ecol. Pol. Ser. A. V. 15 (39). P. 759-778.

Bergstedt B. 1965. Distribution, reproduction, growth and dynamics of the rodentspecies Clethrionomys giareoius (Schreber), Apodemus fiavicoliis (Melchior) and Apodemus syivaticus (Linne') in southern Sweden // Oilos. V. 16. N 1/2. P. 132-160.

Bernshtein A. D., Zhigaiski O. A., Panina T. V 1989. Multi-annual fluctuation in the size of a population of the bank vole in European part of the Soviet Union // Acta theriol. V. 34. P. 409-438.

Bobek B. 1969. Survival, turnover and production of small rodents in beech forest // Acta teriol. V. 14. P 11-19.

Bobek B. 1971. Influence of population density upon rodent production in a deciduous forest // Ann. Zool. Fenici. V. 8. P. 137-144.

Bobek B. 1973. Net production of small rodents in a dis-iduous forest // Acta theriol. V. 12. P. 403-434.

Chistova T 1994. Spatial organization of a bank vole population in a forest-steppe oak forest // Pol. Ecol. Stud. V. 20. P. 147-154.

Fuiiagar P. J., Leweii P. A, Lockiey R. M., Rowlands J. W. 1963. The somer vole (Clethrionomys giareoius sko-merensis) and long-tailed mouse (Apodemus syivaticus) on Skomer island, Pembrokeshire in 1960 // Proc. Zool. Soc. London. V. 140. N 2. P. 295-314.

Gebczynska Z. 1966. Estimation of rodent numbers in a plot of Querceto-carpinetum forest // Acta theriol. V. 11. N 11. P. 315-328.

Giiwicz I. 1975. Age structure and dynamics of numbers in an island population of bank vole // Acta theriol. V. 20. fasc. 1-14. P. 57-59.

Grodzinski W., Pucek Z., Ryszkowski L. 1966. Estimation of rodent numbers by means of prebaiting and intensive removal // Acta theriol. V. 11. N 10. P. 297-314.

Hansson L. 1969. Spring populations of small mammals in central Swedish Lapland in 1964-1968 // Oikos. V. 20. N 2. P. 431-450.

Ivanter E. v., Osipova O. V. 2000. Population dynamics of the bank volt in tye eastern part of its distribution range // Pol. J. Ecol. V. 48. P. 179-195.

Jensen T. S. 1975. Trappability of various functional groups of the forest rodents Clethrionomys giareoius and Apodemus fiavicoliis and its application in density estimations // Oikos. V. 26. N 2. P. 136-204.

Kiomp H. 1962. The influence of climate and weather on the mean density level, the fluctuations and the regulation of animal populations // Arch. neerl. zool. V. 15. N 1. P. 343-349.

Louarn ie H. 1974. Demographie des rongeurs forestiers // Ecol. Forest. Paris. P. 343-351.

Markov G,, Bujalska G,, Christov L. 1972a. A population of Clethrionomys gaareoUus pirnnus on the Vitosha Mountain, Bulgaria. II. Natality // Acta theriol. V. 17. N 21-31. P. 337-342.

Markov G., Chrsstov L., GiiwCcz J. 1972b. A population of Clethrionomys giareoius prrinus on the Vitosha Mountain, Bulgaria. I. Variation in nambers and age structure // Acta theriol. V. 17. N 21-31. P. 327-335.

Miguia P., Gano B, Stepin Z,, Bugdai U. 1975. Ocena zageszczenia I prizeplyw energii przez populacjt drobnych ssakow w byczynach wawazu Zaskalskie (Male Pieniny) // Prz. Zool. V. 19. N 4. P. 467-474.

Myrberget S. 1965. Vekslinger i bestandsstorrelsen hos norske smagnagere I arene 1946-1960 // Medd. Stat. viltundersor. Ser. 2. N 19. S. 1-54.

Peiccan J., Zejda J., Hoiisova V. 1974. Standing crop estimates of small mammals in Moravian forests // Zool. Listy. V. 23. N 3. P. 197-216.

Piatt A. P. 1968. Differential trap mortality as a measure of stress during times of population increase and decrease // J. Mammal. V. 49. N 2. P. 331-335.

Petrusewicz K. (ed.). 1983. Ecology of the Bank Vole // Acta theriol. V. 28. N 1. 242 p.

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